Traveling Sustainably

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Our Impact 

No matter the reason for traveling, there is always a reason to do so sustainably. Traveling sustainably is a great way to minimize our negative environmental impact and help preserve the natural environment. Knowing how and putting it into practice is not difficult nor does not have to be expensive. Even some of the smallest efforts can do good. We’ve identified several ways we aim to reduce our negative impact while traveling. Everything from getting to the destination, choosing when to go and where to stay as well as the habits and activities we engage in all provide opportunities to travel sustainably. 

Ways of Travel 

Getting to the Destination . Air Travel is often the most efficient way to get to a destination but it is easily the largest contributor of emissions while traveling. There are multiple ways to help reduce or offset your emissions on a global and local scale. 

Purchase Carbon Offsets.  Carbon offsets do not reduce emissions but are designed to counteract them by investing in green energy, planting trees and funding the protection of vulnerable species and environments. A number of airlines offer ways to purchase carbon offsets separately from your tickets either on their site or through a partner company. Carbon Fund is an easy and reputable way to purchase offsets based on the number of miles flown. 

Choose Direct Flights.  The more times you take off, the more fuel is burned resulting in extra emissions. Choose direct flights whenever possible, especially for traveling short distances. 

Travel by Bus or Train.  If you’re traveling regionally, look into buses or trains. In some cases, these are often comparable in time, more cost effective and result in less emissions. 

At the Destination.  Once you’ve made it to your destination, minimizing your local impact is the goal. Here are a few ways to get around.

  • Choose to bike, walk or hike. In addition to being the best way to see and experience a destination, it results in little to no emissions.

  • Take public transit or shuttles opposed to taxis or renting a car.

  • If you do rent a car, opt for the eco model. Many rentals also allow you to purchase carbon offsets as well.

  • Depending on the destination, there may be alternative methods of travel like pedi-cabs, cable cars or electric scooters.

The Destination  

When to Go.  Travel to a place during the off season. This helps limit the strain on the environment and local community. We’ve found you’ll often have a much more enjoyable time with less crowds, better service and be able to make stronger connections with local culture and other travelers. 

Where to Stay.  Research your destination and the options available. We often stay at small and communal accommodations like hostels, eco-hotels, camp grounds, treehouses and bed and breakfasts. They typically have the least negative environmental impact and often benefit the local community. 

Stay at a Hostel.  Hostels often have a low environmental impact. They typically consume less energy and produce less waste than traditional hotels. In many cases, they’re often run by locals who care for and promote their community, culture and environment. Hostel World is a great place to book!

Book an AirbnbOur favorite site to search for accommodations. You can search by property types including: earth homes, cabins, huts, tents and treehouses. These types of listings are often sustainable and make for unique places to stay! 

Look for Eco Ratings.  Many hotels, whether large chains or small boutiques, may have eco ratings. There are dozens or organizations that award ratings. The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) serves as a basis for many of these. GSTC sets standards that other organizations follow as well as issues their own certifications. Look for any of their approved ratings here.

What to Avoid.

  • Avoid cruise ships, mega resorts and big hotels without eco-friendly ratings.

  • Don’t leave the AC, heat or lights on when not in your room.

  • Don’t request new/extra towels or sheets daily to avoid an extra wash and dry cycle.

Sustainable Habits & Activities 

Outside of getting to the destination and where you stay, there are number of ways to minimize your emissions, waste and negative environmental impact. 

  • Participate in low impact activities like visiting museums or parks, go on a picnic, take a snorkeling lesson, go hiking, zip-lining or stargazing.

  • Search for locally made souvenirs opposed to mass produced ones seen everywhere. Try visiting vintage shops, local markets and kitchenware stores. We usually bring home something small for our apartment or food items like spices, wine and chocolate.

  • Participate in a beach, trail or roadside clean up. Whether on your own or with a local organization, bring a bag and collect as much waste as you can carry in it. Recycle what you can.

  • Bring a reusable water bottle and metal straw. Don’t buy single-use or plastic ones.

  • Avoid using cosmetics and toiletries with harmful chemicals. Research the products you use regularly.

  • Wear reef safe sunblock and eco-friendly insect repellent, especially when visiting bodies of water.

  • Pay attention to waste/recycling bins. Color-coded bins often differ from country to country.

  • Eat more plant based and locally sourced meals. Visit a farmers market for local produce.

  • Don’t waste food, always take home leftovers or give them to someone in need.

Back Home

Many of these sustainable efforts can be practiced back home and continue to minimize our negative environmental impact on a daily basis. The privilege to travel is a wonderful thing, doing it sustainably helps ensure that the natural environment as well as the cultures and species it supports have a better chance at being preserved.


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