Responsible Travel

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Our Perspective

As a citizen of the world, a level of responsibility comes with traveling to different destinations. You should be open-minded to other cultures, peoples, ways of living and perspectives. Travel allows us to step outside of our comfort zone, build empathy and expand our world view. In our opinion, it’s what makes every trip so memorable.

Responsible Travel Tips

Below are some things we’ve learning while traveling. We hope they’ll be useful to you on your adventures.

    • Remember that you’re a guest in a foreign land, be respectful of local customs, laws and traditions. 

    • Read up on local customs, foods and phrases. Having an understanding of the culture before arriving will make your experience more authentic. 

    • Knowing a few phrases in the local language or dialect always goes a long way. Saying hello, thank you, good-bye shows locals you have an interest in them and their culture. 

    • Often, many people in the tourist or hospitality industries will enjoy conversation and practicing speaking with you. Be patient and open to the conversation. 

    • Always be cautious when taking photographs of sights and people, you should ask first if you’re unsure.

    • Get cultured. Visit museums and learn about your destination’s history, art and heritage. 

    • Support local businesses. Whether a corner cafe, a hostel, a solo tour guide, a boutique, etc… Locals often thrive on a healthy level of tourism.

    • Try to visit off the beaten path places to avoid over tourism or consider traveling to trendy destinations during the off season.

    • Know if you need a Visa or not before entering a country.

    • Recycle, compost, and manage your personal waste responsibly. Pollution is a serious issue around the world and we can all do our part to reduce it.

    • Be open to new perspectives. Many cultures live differently than you might. Our differences are what makes us all so unique. Use these opportunities to learn.

    • Always have your host country’s currency on hand. Many places don’t accept credit, especially when you’re in remote areas.

    • Know the value of the local currency compared to yours. It helps with budgeting, spending and tipping. 

    • Know if it’s acceptable to tip after meals or drinks. Research how much to tip. 


Why Travel is Important