Why Travel is Important

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Our Perspective

Travel is important for so many reasons. It cultivates connections, builds empathy, makes us more worldly and appreciative of other cultures. Traveling becomes a part of our own self discovery. 

On our first international trip together, to Foz do Iguacu in Brazil, we met another gay couple from Peru on a city bus tour. They didn’t speak English and our Spanish wasn’t the best but we kept chatting as we toured the city. We ended up spending the entire day together, laughing, enjoying meals and becoming friends before going our separate ways. The following year, they invited us to visit them in Peru. During the week we visited, we stayed at their home, with their relatives, toured Lima where they live and explored the Peruvian coast visiting numerous towns by bus. To this day, that week is one of our most memorable of times. You can read more about our adventures along the Peruvian Coast here.

These types of connections that are so important to make while traveling. Our first two trips together have driven our passion for travel, exposed us to new ideas, allowed us to welcome unique experiences, given us the opportunity to make friends abroad and celebrate our cultural differences and diversity. 


LGBTQ+ Travel


Responsible Travel